When working with databases, ensuring the integrity and consistency of your data is critical. Amazon DynamoDB, a popular NoSQL database, offers various mechanisms to achieve data integrity and consistency. In this blog post, we’ll explore versioning, a powerful strategy to manage updates in DynamoDB.

What is Versioning?

Versioning involves tracking changes to items in a database. When an item is modified, instead of overwriting the existing data, a new version of the item is created with the updated data. Each version can be uniquely identifiedby either a timestamp or a version number.

Versioning is beneficial in scenarios where multiple users or systems are updating data simultaneously. It helps avoid conflicts and ensures that no data is lost due to concurrent updates.

Implementing Versioning in DynamoDB

DynamoDB does not provide built-in versioning functionality, but you can implement it using attributes and conditional writes. Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Add Version Attribute:

First, you must add a version attribute to your DynamoDB items. This attribute will store the version number of each item.

For example, you can add an attribute called version to your items, and initialize it to 1 when the item is created.

2. Use Conditional Writes:

Conditional writes are a way to specify conditions that must be met for the write operation to succeed. To implement versioning, you will increment the version number of an item each time it is updated, and use conditional writes to ensure that another user or process has not modified the item in the meantime.

For example, when updating an item, you will specify that the update should only succeed if the version attribute in the database is equal to the version number you expect the item to have. If the version numbers do not match, this indicates that someone else has updated the item since you last read it, and the write will fail.


import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table('Files')

def update_file_version(file_id, file_name, new_version):
        response = table.update_item(
                'fileId': file_id,
                'fileName': file_name
            UpdateExpression="set #v = :val",
            ConditionExpression="#v < :val",
                '#v': 'version'
                ':val': new_version
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "ConditionalCheckFailedException":


3. Handling Write Conflicts:

When a write conflict occurs (i.e., when the conditional write fails), you will need to decide how to handle it. Some common strategies include:

  • Retrying the Update: You can read the item again to get the latest version and retry the update.

  • Merging Changes: You can merge the changes, particularly if different attributes were modified.

  • User Intervention: Sometimes, it is best to alert the user of the conflict and allow them to decide how to resolve it.

4. Maintain a History (Optional):

In some scenarios, keep a history of item versions. To do this, you can use a separate table to store previous versions of items or include historical versions as nested attributes within the same item.


Versioning is a powerful technique for maintaining data integrity in distributed systems. Although DynamoDB does not have built-in versioning, you can effectively implement it using version attributes and conditional writes. Careful handling of write conflicts and maintaining a history of item versions can further enhance your data’s reliability and consistency.

Be sure to check out more such insightful blogs in my Master DynamoDB: Demystifying AWS's Powerful NoSQL Database Service, One Byte at a Time series, for a deeper dive into DynamoDB's best practices and advanced features. Stay tuned and keep learning!